June 17, 2008

Lib 3: Summer 2008 LIB 3 Class

I have a wonderful class of 30 students this summer semester. LIB 3 is always one of my favorite classes to teach - the students are generally quite enthusiastic and it feels like we work together as a team. It is always cool to see the responses I get from students who are creating their first blog.

I have many different teaching ideas about online courses and utilizing blogs is one tool that I would like to see more. Unfortunately I only use blogs in LIB 3 so far. Maybe I'll introduce it in other courses as well.

Research topics are coming up this week - let's see what topics will be brought up. My favorites are always current social topics, things that are sort of new in today's world. Let's see, an example... combating child obesity, anything involving the internet and society (Web 2.0 impact, etc.), and my new favorite Smoking Cessation (my father recently was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer and i'm angry about his smoking addiction being the cause of this disease). Things I hope we don't see because they are SO common -- abortion, teen pregnancy, school uniforms, euthanasia.

Blog reflections are a new component for this course. I've decided to do my own reflections as well! Hence this post. :)


Vanessa said...
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Vanessa said...
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Joanne said...

It is clear you share the enthusiasm of the class, it comes across in your posts and the way you reach out to help people. Someone gave me a coffee cup with a message that read "love what you do, and do what you love." I hope to do the same...you obviously are doing just that.
I'm sorry to hear of your dad's lung cancer. I'm sure you know that we all have that gene and it takes a certain something to activate that gene. I was told stress can do that. Please try not to stress yourself over something you cannot change, it will certainly affect your health. We all make decisions in life and eventually are held accountable for those decisions, myself included. I was a smoker up until 3years ago...had a couple related health issues over it. It's an addiction...and if I had to make that choice again I would never have started... hindsight is a wonderful isn't it. I hope I am not being too personal, but I do feel your pain as I have lost 3 brothers to cancer. Hang in there and keep calm as your dad needs you to take care of yourself.