November 4, 2008

Have you voted!?

Get out and vote today!

Here's the Google Logo for the day -- I love when they do these things! Isn't it cute!

Let's hope this election goes the way I want it to :)


Joanne said...

I'm curious to know how you hoped the election would turn out and why.

It was an important election and there are many reasons we all want a certain candidate to win...will you share your thoughts further as one voter to another?

khink said...

Ms. Dena
Thank you very much for your kindness in taking great care and condcern to instruct us in Lib 204.
What I would like to ask you at this eleventh hour before the class site closes down is -
It is just customary for the online class site to close dwon at the end of a semester.
But we will be able to keep our blogs, which I was not clear. It is to be allowed to keep on, it would be great as we could at times connect with you as well as our classmates
Another suggestion is to excahnge email addresses between class mates though I understand on part of some to worry about junkmail. Yesterday I accessed my yahoo email and there were over 4000 unread inbox mai. But gmail I keep and always check for personal mail.

khink said...

I wish you a Merry Xmas and a Very Happy New Year!