April 28, 2010

Linking to file from another website

For your final projects, many of you will need to link your final project file. Our Blogger.com has some limitations for security purposes on which type of files it will allow you to upload, in this case just images and video files. So, if you are interested in linking to a powerpoint presentation, or a word document, or pdf -- then you will need to create a LINK.

You can email me your document and I can put it on the web and give you a website URL to include on your blog. Please email me your final document before the due date.

Here is the help page for how to CREATE A LINK in your blog post. I'm going to do one here:

How to Create a Link -- follow the instructions included on that link.

or... my simple instructions is to type what you want the link to say and then highlight that text, click on the little link icon in the toolbar above (next to the text color) and enter your website url to the link. Try it out!!

Good luck. Remember, email me if you get stuck!

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